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I don’t like myself


I am so afraid to think about my past and my many failures. There are many things I am ashamed of that I do not want to think about. All this underlying guilt affects my self-esteem. I do not like myself very much. I think of myself as weak and fairly useless.

Even though I am afraid, I am determined to become a healthy happy person. I begin to write about my past. Over time I have written many pages about my past failures and successes. I found the courage to share these writings with a trusted person. This writing and sharing turned out to be truly amazing! I am learning many things about myself:

-I am continually learning, growing and changing. It’s not fair to judge my past self with where I am now. I realize that I have always done the best I could with where I was at and with what I knew at the time.

– I have many weaknesses including: self-will, self-deception, denial, etc.

-I have many strengths including: persistence, compassion, a good listening ear, etc.

-I am learning to like myself.

-My self-confidence and self-esteem are increasing.

-I am accepting myself.

As I learn about myself I am striving to give myself grace, just as I would for any other friend. If I think of my life as an adventure instead of thinking of myself as a victim then I can work on my weaknesses and build my strengths. Instead of cutting myself down, I can build myself up with positive affirmations. I can be my own best friend.

How do I feel about myself today? Have you ever not liked yourself? What did you do to change this?







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